Skeletor Does Not Need Lipitor
Is anyone else creeped out by Robert Jarvik doing those Lipitor ads?

I'm not sure I want medical advice from somebody who looks like Spalding Gray after they fished him out of the East River.

I'm not sure I want medical advice from somebody who looks like Spalding Gray after they fished him out of the East River.
He freaks me out.
He married that "world's smartest woman" (Marilyn Vos Savant) years ago. That alone made me question her purportedly high IQ.
And really, is it logical for him to advertise Lipitor? The man makes his entire living from people with bad hearts. I would think that you wouldn't want to eat into your profit margin by making the hearts better before they get to you.
But that's just me. And that's part of why I'd be a crap doctor.
Maybe I'm just weird, but, when Dockta J says something about a heart, I'm of the mind he kinda knows what he's talking about.
A showbiz rule...anytime a celebrity does a commercial, it's for the money. I don't care if it's lipitor, zit medicine, hair products or what...they give them a nice check and they'll say anything. I'd advertise vibrators if I were given a big check to do so.
I'd advertise vibrators if I were given a big check to do so.
I on the other hand would advertise vibrators if they gave me a tester product.
I'm easy., Ladies. They love customer feedback and testimonials.
There are special sections for men and possibly pudelhounds too, just to keep it inclusive.
Like Nellie the Nervous Pudelhund isn't stimulated enough...
What's that buzzing sound?
When did this become the vibrator thread, Sick ClC?
Glad to be here.
Very glad.
Remember in that movie, "Parenthood" when Dianne Wiest's character is mortified when, during a blackout and the whole family is over, and somebody thinks they've pulled out a flashlight and it's her vibrator??? HEEE! I love that movie. Its on OnDemand now.
For the record...I don't own a vibrator, but, I'd still be the Spokes-Brator if they gave the right price. Maybe I should get one.
For the record...I don't own a vibrator,
I am astonished.
It's time for a long and frank conversation, probably over lunch. I'll bring catalogs. After all Christmas is coming. Hustler store field trip to follow.
I don't know how I lost control of this thread, ladies. Who exactly "stimulated" you all to start talking about vibrators? Was is Jarvik or Spalding?
Never mind. La la la la la la.
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